Anne Frank Day

Looking at History

June 12, 2021


Anne Frank Day

Looking at History

June 12, 2021

Millions of people around the world know the diary of Anne Frank. She was born to Jewish parents in Frankfurt am Main on June 12, 1929. Her family fled from the Nazis to Amsterdam in 1933. After German troops invaded the Netherlands, Anne Frank and her family hid in an annex of a house in Amsterdam from 1942 to 1944. It was there that Anne Frank wrote her world-famous diary. Anne and her family are discovered two years later. Anne dies in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945.

On the occasion of Anne Frank's birthday, students at almost 500 schools throughout Germany set a clear example against anti-Semitism and racism. The aim of Anne Frank Day 2021 is to develop students' media skills and strengthen their judgment - also with regard to anti-Semitic conspiracy narratives in the present day.

The Anne Frank Zentrum in Berlin, along with the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam,  is developing analog and digital education materials. In 2021, the theme is "Looking at History." The education material encourages students to critically engage with historical photographs.

Anne Frank Day 2021 will be officially opened on Friday, June 11, at the Anne Frank Elementary School in Berlin.

Christine Lambrecht, Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection, will be the patron.

The Anne Frank Zentrum is the German partner organization of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. The center commemorates Anne Frank and her diary with exhibitions and educational programs.

Anne Frank Zentrum e.V.
Rosenthaler Straße 39
10178 Berlin