Centre for exhibitions, documentation, research and education
The LEZ, integrating Ludwig Erhard’s original childhood home with an adjacent newly constructed building, aspires to be a unique hub for exhibitions, research and documentation as well as education on Ludwig Erhard and his ideas on social market economy.
The 18 million Euro project was realized by the Federal state, the state of Bavaria, the city of Fürth and the private foundation Ludwig-Erhard-Haus.
The permanent exhibition introduces Ludwig Erhard, invites to discover recent history and to understand the concept of a social market economy in about 1,200 square meters exhibition space. The tiny rooms of Ludwig Erhards former apartment mark the beginning of the exhibition. Its final elements are presented in an interactively designed “future salon” in the centre’s new building. The LEZ also offers a big space for temporary exhibitions, a “education super market” where children at the pre- and elementary school level are introduced to economics and a research institute that holds its own professorship, the Ludwig Erhard chair for social market economy.
The LEZ’s mission is to educate young citizens to understand the economic structures of society. Thereby developing skills enabling them to shape those structures independently and responsibly in their own way.
Ludwig Erhard Zentrum
Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 6, 90762 Fürth