September 12-19, 2021
Week of Action with events and information campaign
September 12-19, 2021
Since 2017, activists from the arts and culture have been working in a transnational network for artistic freedom, for more diverse participation and presentation in the arts, and for greater accessibility. This is important - but it is at least as necessary to shape the further development of democracy in a society that is becoming more diverse, because in Germany almost 10 million people are not allowed to vote because they do not have a German passport. The right to vote, which is tied solely to citizenship, excludes people who have lived in Germany for many years from political decision-making and from decisions about the shaping of a common society.
The campaign DIE PARLAMENTE DEN VIELEN involves cultural institutions throughout Germany from among the 4,500 representatives of museums, theaters, libraries, and cultural venues organized in DIE VIELEN, as well as artists from the independent scene.
The artists Minhee Ahn, Zuzanna Czebatul, Diane Esnault, Moritz Frei, Anne Hoffmann, Kasia Fudakowski, Stefan Marx, Marina Naprushkina, Henrike Naumann, Nasan Tur and Raul Walch have designed posters with which they campaign for voting rights for all. The posters will appear in the cityscape of the regional statements of the MANY.
12.09.2021, 10.30 am - 8 pm and via live stream
Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz 4, 10117 Berlin