Following the traces of the Cold War with a game
With the game app “Border Zone”, visitors can discover the eventful history of Potsdam's Babelsberg Park during the Cold War era. The virtual connection of past and present through the latest augmented reality technology allows for lost and hidden traces of contemporary history to become tangible.
The development of the location-based digital game is a joint research project between the Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg (SPSG) and the Cologne Game Lab. The prototype of “Border Zone” is to be published as a free game app at the end of 2021. Using a smartphone or tablet, the app will invite visitors of the park to discover its turbulent history through short interactive stories based on true events.
The objective of the project attached to this Serious Game is to promote knowledge transfer to enable participation and to open a discourse on how to approach the world cultural heritage. An accompanying research program explores how games function as a new communication medium in cultural education work, specifically in public parks.