Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten
26 August to 22 October, 2022
With interdisciplinary exhibition projects, performances, an opera installation and a diverse discourse program, the series VOICE:over at Galerie Nord| Kunstverein Tiergarten presents various phenomena of the voice. The projects negotiate the spectrum of the voice as a medium within the medium itself – considering scream as well as speaking or singing.
The exhibition Battle Cry offers young Ukrainian curators, artists and their international colleagues an opportunity to raise their artistic voices beyond despair and the desire to cry out about the consequences of war. Some of the works refer directly to the current war in Ukraine, but the exhibition’s range of topics is broader: power relations between the target audience and the person trying to communicate, questions about communication in general and the functioning of propaganda are examined by these young artists – cynically, critically, humorously.
The artists of Battle Cry use and subvert means of communication, reflect on possible and impossible political influence and explore attempts at communication, at mutual understanding as well as being misunderstood in war and as a consequence of war.
Christian Falsnæs, Maksym Khodak, Zhenia Stepanenko, Bohdana Zaiats
Kuratiert von Valeria Schiller
Battle Cry
26.08. - 22.10.2022
Friday, 26 August, 7 pm
Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten
Turmstraße 75, 10551 Berlin
Opening hours: Tue-Sat 12h to 19 h
free entry