21 April to 30 June 2024
International Days Ingelheim
21 April to 30 June 2024
Home is where we spent our childhood, where our loved ones are, where we feel comfortable and safe, where we find acceptance and security. It’s where we recharge, spend our free time and engage in our hobbies, where we can be ourselves and do what we like, where we work and take care of household chores. But it’s also where we experience sickness and sorrow, and where some have to endure hardship.
The exhibition of around 100 works, ranging from the end of the 19th century to the present, illustrate activities, experiences, and perceptions of everyday homelife. They include works made of paper, paintings, photographs, videos, and sculptures that examine the various levels of significance of this defining space in five different thematic areas.
Being able to experience private places (of refuge) is of significant importance in all phases and situations if life. These works assembled from museums, private collections, and studios enable a high degree of identification but at the same time also question various situations.
International Days Ingelheim
HOME SWEET HOME. At home, from 1900 to today
21 April to 30 June 2024
Kunstforum Ingelheim – Altes Rathaus
François-Lachenal-Platz 1, 55218 Ingelheim am Rhein