Museum Barberini

Fine Arts

Museum Barberini

With the Museum Barberini a new cultural attraction came to Potsdam in January 2017. Exhibitions range from the Old Masters to contemporary art with a focus on impressionism. Based on works from the collection of Hasso Plattner, the museum’s founder and patron, the Museum Barberini presents three temporary exhibitions each year with major loans from international private collections and museums. The Museum Barberini in the reconstructed palace is located in the historic center of Potsdam on the square Alte Markt. The building’s courtyard opens onto Alte Fahrt with access to the Havelterrassen and a view of the Freundschaftsinsel on the opposite bank.

Permanent exhibition:
Impressionism: The Hasso Plattner Collection
The Museum Barberini in Potsdam presents a permanent exhibition of the extensive collection of Impressionist paintings of the museum’s founder, Hasso Plattner, including masterpieces by Monet, Renoir, and Signac. With thirty-four paintings by Claude Monet, there is no venue in Europe outside of Paris where visitors can see more works by this painter. This makes Potsdam one of the most important international centers of Impressionist landscape painting. The Museum Barberini now showcases a collection that is unique in Germany in addition to its temporary exhibitions mounted in cooperation with museums all over the world.

Special exhibitions:

Kandinsky’s Universe: Geometric Abstraction in the 20th Century
February 15 – May 18, 2025
At the beginning of the 20th century, painting underwent a profound transformation. Artists no longer wanted to depict the visible; they aspired to a new visual language that reduced artistic expression to an interplay of colors, lines, and shapes.

Museum Barberini
Alter Markt, Humboldtstr. 5–6
14467 Potsdam



ARTEFAKT Kulturkonzepte is responsible for the media planning of the annual three main exhibitions of the Museum Barberini in the areas of conception, booking, budget management and controlling.

Schaufensterbespielung Bahnhof Potsdam
Museum Barberini
Impressionismus. Die Sammlung Hasso Plattner, 2024
18/1 Bahnhof
Museum Barberini
Wolken und Licht. Impressionismus in Holland, 2023
Museum Barberini
Ausstellung: Sonne. Die Quelle des Lichts in der Kunst, 2023
Museum Barberini
Ausstellung: Surrealismus und Magie. Verzauberte Moderne, 2022
Großbanner Bahnhof Berlin-Friedrichstraße
Museum Barberini
Ausstellung: Surrealismus und Magie. Verzauberte Moderne, 2022
18/1 Berlin-Mitte
Museum Barberini
Ausstellung: Die Form der Freiheit. Internationale Abstraktion nach 1945, 2022
18/1 Bahnhof
Museum Barberini
Ausstellung: Impressionismus in Russland 2021
Museum Barberini
Ausstellung: Rembrandts Orient 2021
Großbanner Bahnhof Berlin-Friedrichstraße
Sammlung Plattner, Museum Barberini, 2020
18/1 Ostbahnhof Berlin
Museum Barberini
Ausstellung: Monet. Orte, 2020
CLP Potsdam
Museum Barberini
Ausstellung: Wege des Barock 2019
Banner Bahnhof Potsdam
Museum Barberini
Ausstellung: Picasso 2019
Berliner Fenster
Museum Barberini
Ausstellung: Henri-Edmond Cross 2018/2019
Banner Bahnhof Potsdam
Museum Barberini
Ausstellung: Max Beckmann 2018
18/1 Hauptberlin Berlin
Museum Barberini
Ausstellung: Eröffnung 2016/2017