German Cultural Heritage Committee
2018 will be the European Cultural Heritage Year! The European Commission has initiated a thematic year which calls on us all to help Europe be perceived not as something remote or out of touch with reality, but as something that belongs to all of us. Our cultural heritage tells us about our shared European history, wherever we are at home.
Our motto: SHARING HERITAGE. The European Cultural Heritage Year will focus on what we share and what unites us. Where do we recognize our European heritage in our cities, towns and cultural landscapes? What unites us? What do we want to change? We want to increase awareness of our rich heritage and inspire a desire to preserve it. Let us discover our shared roots, let us see our surroundings with new eyes, let us tell each other our stories!
In Germany, the office of the German Cultural Heritage Committee (DNK) is coordinating this thematic year in consultation with the federal, state and local governments.
All public and private sponsors, conservators and communicators of cultural heritage may participate in the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018, for example museums, memorial sites, archives, libraries, administrations, owners, sponsors, clubs, expert societies, supporters’ groups, etc. Participation is also open to civil society organizations and all individuals who support the thematic year’s aims or would like to know more about the European dimension of our cultural heritage.
Five themes are intended to express the priorities for the European Cultural Heritage Year in Germany and thus serve as the starting point for activities:
Europe: Exchange and movement
Europe: Border and encounter regions
The European city
Europe: Remembrance and new starts
Europe: Heritage lived
On 128 pages, HERITAGE ON THE MOVE shows the achievements, insights and faces of SHARING HERITAGE, the German campaign for the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. The magazine provides an up-to-date look at the challenges of identifying with and preserving our cultural heritage. As exemplary protagonists – in addition to many heritage activists and mediators, the magazine also includes Aleida Assmann, winner of the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade 2018, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media Monika Grütters, the longstanding Cologne Cathedral architect and coordinator of German aid for the reconstruction of Notre Dame Barbara Schock-Werner and the chairman of the Association of the Landesdenkmalpfleger Markus Harzenetter.
In Germany, the office of the German Cultural Heritage Committee (DNK) is coordinating this thematic year in consultation with the federal, state and local governments.
ARTEFAKT Kulturkonzepte is responsible for editing the website as well as the project’s social media channels.