Josep Renau in Erfurt

New publication by Wüstenrot Foundation

Autumn 2020


Josep Renau in Erfurt

New publication by Wüstenrot Foundation

Autumn 2020

After four years of planning and restoration, the large mosaic "Man's relationship to nature and technology" (1980-1984) by artist Josep Renau has returned to its original site at Moscow Square in Erfurt since the end of 2019. The 7 x 30 meter mural was saved and listed as a protected monument just before the demolition of the former cultural and leisure center where it was once located.

In 2016, the Wüstenrot Foundation, together with the city administration of Erfurt, took on the preservation of the mural mosaic, supported by the local people, the Thuringian State Office for Monument Preservation and Archaeology and many other experts. The planning and realization of the Renau proje3ct brought to light numerous findings that are of interest to experts and laymen alike in the fields of monument preservation, restoration, architecture, urban planning, history or art and building research.

A publication of the Wüstenrot Foundation, hot off the press, now presents these theoretical and practical results on 184 pages with a total of 18 contributions by international experts and an informative documentary appendix. With this publication, the Wüstenrot Foundation would like to contribute to preserving building-related art of the GDR by publishing these findings and disseminating them to a broad circle of interested parties.

The publication is only available in German and can be ordered free of charge via the Wüstenrot Foundation.  

»Die Beziehung des Menschen zu Natur und Technik«
Geschichte und Wiederaufbau des Wandbilds von Josep Renau in Erfurt
Wüstenrot Stiftung, Ludwigsburg, 2020 (Herausgeber im Eigenverlag)
Broschur, 184 Seiten, 275 Abbildungen
ISBN: 978-3-96075-010-9