21 to 24 March 2019
Literature from the Netherlands
21 to 24 March 2019
Leipzig am Meer pays tribute to the legendary pavilion Guest of Honour „Flanders & the Netherlands“ presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2016. Its 100 m wide coastline referred to the North Sea connecting the Guest of Honour with Germany. It brought a calm and inspiring seaside setting to Frankfurt which was equally praised by the press and the audience. Furnished with deckchairs and accompanied by the changing moods of tides and daytimes, the pavilion offered a broad variety of programmes and books inviting to a relaxing and communicative stay in the midst of the turbulent book fair. The Guest of Honour mobilized a wave carrying Dutch literature to literary stages and festivals throughout whole Germany.
Leipzig am Meer follows this wave presenting authors and illustrators from the Netherlands with new fiction, non-fiction and children‘s books at ten events during the Leipzig Book Fair. Atelier Parade offers illustration workshops at the exhibition booth of the Dutch Foundation for Literature (Hall 4, C303). In this setting – taking a ride „From the Wild West to the North Sea“ – Erna Sassen and Martijn van der Linden introduce to their new children‘s book („Ein Indianer wie du und ich”, Freies Geistesleben). They are also invited to the Hugendubel bookshop in the center of Leipzig.
„Das Blaue Sofa“, as one of the most popular programmes of „Leipzig Reads“ established by Bertelsmann, ZDF, Deutschlandfunk Kultur and 3sat, has invited three Dutch authors: Mathijs Deen („Unter den Menschen”, mare // „Über alte Wege - Eine Reise durch die Geschichte Europas“, DuMont), Eva Meijer (Das Vogelhaus”, btb // „Was Tiere wirklich wollen“, btb // „Die Sprachen der Tiere“, Matthes & Seitz), and Jan Konst („Der Wintergarten”, Europa). Jan Konst is as well reading at Atelier Silke Wagler Couture. Finally, Haus des Buches is presenting Marente de Moor („Aus dem Licht”, C.H. Hanser) and Otto de Kat („Freetown”, Schöffling & Co.).
Leipziger Buchmesse, Halle 4, C303
Alte Nikolaischule, Atelier Silke Wagler Couture, Haus des Buches, Hugendubel