14 june – 1 july 2018
A Festival for Architecture and Urban Alternatives
14 june – 1 july 2018
Berlin Remixing | Stadt neu gemischt headlines MakeCity this year. The festival emerges from the Berlin context, where real estate prices in the city centre have risen by up to 500%. Where the municipal government has set unprecedented targets for the construction of new social housing units. The integration of a newly arrived migrant population, a politically active civil society negotiating new concepts of cooperative housing, and innovative mixed-use: these current developments frame MakeCity’s citywide conversation. The festival looks at concepts for a new social contract for cities and showcases innovation on many levels: material, process-based, in architecture and landscape urbanism. As a resolutely trans-disciplinary partnership of architects, urban planners, designers and civic groups – the MakeCity festival is co-designed! The result: over 250 events to discover and spaces to explore throughout the city: from exhibitions, workshops and excursions; in cultural centres, new architecture, studios, production and maker spaces.
MakeCity Berlin is the biggest transsectoral and transdiciplinary Festival for Architecture and Urban Alternatives in Germany. After its kick off in 2015 the second edition of the festival is expecting around 20.000 visitors.
Patronage: Michael Müller – Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin
Initiator: Francesca Ferguson – MakeCity Gründerin und künstlerische Leiterin
Festival Center: Tschechisches Zentrum Berlin, Wilhelmstraße 44, D - 10117 Berlin